Your trusted support to unlock satisfaction and fully live your most authentic life!

Soul-felt Family Connection
Whether you are the child, the parent or even a sibling, you’ll learn the tools to build a soulful connection with your family, bridging the gap between common thread and personal expression to honor the differences while keeping the family united.

Aligning with your Soulmate
Bring this relationship to its most intimate connection that is both nourishing in spirit and in the life you create together.

Achieve Personal Fulfillment
There is something you have always wanted to do with your life, and here you’ll gain the support and tools to accomplish it by learning the steps to overcome obstacles and pave the way for its place in your world.

Spiritual Growth
You will learn practical tools to connect and grow your Spiritual awareness, empowering you to affectively make changes in the areas of your life you seek to live more in wholeness.

Spiritual Healing
In our connection to the Spiritual, we are able to call in support to re-member our lost aspects and make changes in our behavior that has filled in as coping from living a life unconscious to our connection with the source of abundance. Come learn the tools to accomplish this in your life.

Setting Boundaries
Here you are supported towards the awareness of your boundaries and given tools to set them so you can live a life in the open with confidence. Knowing where you end and another begins is incredibly important to functioning in the world.
A paradigm shift in reality to live a rewarding life.
A New Kind of Community
In wholeness we know each person is a unique individual with a unique purpose to deliver to this world.
When centered, the grip to fit in loosens and the way is opened to take the action steps towards our authentic life purpose.
It’s here we find the most satisfaction in our daily life.
Connecting with others who have also become aware of this creates a new kind of community. A huge support as we celebrate and grow. This kind of community embraces with joy the unique facets of divine expression and purpose.
Here we create a new community in celebration of life and encourage one another as we embrace the pressure of growing into our whole radiant self.
May the support found here reach into your daily life and new connections found in your daily living.
Here you gain the support and tools to live your life in wholeness.

Honest Reviews
Andréa has been a powerful guide in my life, and right when I needed it.
Through her intuitive skills and deep knowledge of human behavior, I felt very much supported as we journeyed through each week together.
I very much appreciate Andréa’s ability to listen unconditionally and hold space when we are together.
She has this way of “weaving” her unique wisdom into the lessons.
Andréa’s support and guidance has been a true blessing in my life, and I’ve grown further as a result
Kyndel H – Client
Andréa’s holistic style of coaching has brought integration, empowerment and healing to my life.
The vibrational therapy allowed me to quiet my mind and consider the feelings in my body as we focused on deep beliefs and mindset
Andréa is great at creating a safe space for authentic conversationand sharing applicable wisdom.
I love that she goes beyond the traditional coaching role and moves intuitively through the whole process to help where it is needed most.
Audrey R. – Client